A ‘Sunday School’ takes place in the St Nicholas room on Sundays during the 10am service for children of school age and accompanied pre-school children. Each week we share a story from the bible, complete a craft or picture, say a prayer, and perhaps sing or play a game.
We sometimes provide a take home sheet which includes a brief synopsis of the story (and a bible reference if appropriate), why we made/drew or coloured something (the link can be quite subtle at times!) and a payer or memory verse for the week ahead.
If you would your child to attend the Children’s Church, please see a welcomer on the door.
Sunday School sheets
Week 1 – The Raising of Lazarus
Week 2 – Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday & Good Friday
Week 3 – Easter Sunday
Week 4 – Doubting Thomas
Week 5 – The Road to Emmaus
Week 6 – The Good Shepherd
Week 7 – I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Week 8 – Noah and the Ark
Week 9 – Jesus’ Ascension
Week 10 – Pentecost
Week 11 – Trinity
Week 12 – Jesus Sends out his Disciples
Week 13 – Jesus is baptised by John the Baptist
Week 14 – St Peter
Week 15 – Love one another
Week 16 – Parable of the Sower
Week 17 – Call of Samuel
Week 18 – The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Week 19 – The Light of the World
Week 20 – Jesus Walks on Water
Week 21 – The Salt of the Earth
Week 22 – Who is Jesus
Week 23 – Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me
Week 24 – The 10 Commandments
Week 25 – The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
Week 26 – Parable of the Two Sons
November 8th – Fruits of the Spirit
November 15th – The Parable of the Talents

Other Children’s Activities
These activities are secular in nature and aim to provide resources for your child/children to learn about Easter and other elements of the Abbey’s history, Christian beliefs and ways of life. These activities will be updated on a weekly basis and will be free to download and access.
Spring Activities
St. George’s Day Activities
Selby during the English Civil War Part 1
Selby during the English Civil War Part 2