The Jesse Window at Selby Abbey is generally thought to be the second finest window in England (the West Window of York Minster being the first). It consists of seven lights, with beautifully flamboyant tracery above, and was constructed in the year 1340. It is filled with “Jesse” glass, and again, as a “Jesse Window,” it is said to be the finest in England.
At the bottom of the window is Jesse in repose. From his heart springs the Jesse branch, the family tree of Jesus, encircling his descendants, right up to our Lord in his His Mother’s arms at the top centre pane.
In the tracery of the window is the Doom. This is a representation of men and women rising from their graves to go to judgement. St Michael is in the centre, with balance in hand, weighing souls. Those of good weight pass on to Paradise, carried by Angels; those who are “found wanting” go to Hell, borne by differently coloured devils.