Selby Abbey

At the Heart of the Community Since 1069


The Abbey offers Holy Communion at various times during the week and other services and events are offered and maybe found on this website. If you haven’t been to church for a while, do come along and experience the worship of the Abbey and meet others who gather together to worship God.

Service Times

Monday: 12:00 Holy Communion

Thursday: 10:30am Holy Communion

Sunday: 8:00am Holy Communion & 10:00am Sung Eucharist

We also live stream our 10:00am Sunday service. This can be found on our YouTube Channel weekly.

Sunday: 3pm Family Funtime (1st & 3rd Sunday of the month)

Sunday: 6.30pm Evensong (with choir on 2nd and 4th Sundays)

Download this month’s music list

Website by INDIGO CUBE