Look out for these top 10 things to see in the Abbey!

High Altar
The high altar is the most holy part of the Church. The reredos (screen behind the altar) was carved by Peter Rendl of Oberammergau depicting the Easter Passion play. Visit us to appreciate its true meaning and beauty!

Washington Window
The Washington Windowcontains the Heraldic arms of the Washington family, said to be the basis of the flag of the United States of America. You can read more about the Washington Window here. It can be found in the south clerestory. Our welcomers will be more than happy to point it out if you are struggling to locate it.

Hill Organ
The Hill Organ is one of the most romantic musical instruments in Britain. Built in 1909 by William Hill and Son, it has hosted some of the worlds greatest musicians and continues to do so to this day.

Lepers’ Squint
‘Lepers squint’ is a small hole in the north choir aisle wall. This hole is where those with leprosy in the middle ages and early modern period, known as ‘lepers’ would be able to watch church services.

Icon of St Germain
In 2019 the Abbey commissioned an Icon of St Germain, the Abbey’s patron saint. The icon is placed in the Chapel of St Germain where more information is available.

Jesse Window
The Jesse window is considered the second finest stained glass window in England. Second only to York Minster’s West Window, it depicts the family tree of Jesus, with the tracery showing the Doom.

Norman Font
The font is the oldest and one of the most important objects in the Abbey. It used for baptism and where people start their journey in Christianity. It is believed to date to the 1100s and is situated at the west end of the Abbey.

Strudwick Carvings
Thomas Strudwick was one of the most prominent craftspeople to work on the Abbey in the twentieth century. He worked on the Abbey’s restoration after the 1906 fire, carving both wood and stonework. Try and spot the animals and the kings head hiding in the stone!

Maundy Money
The Maundy Money exhibition, in the south transept, houses objects from the Queen’s 1969 visit to the Abbey on Maundy Thursday. The Queen handed out Maundy money to local individuals at the Abbey, as is tradition on Maundy Thursday. The event was a great source of pride for the local community and is still remembered today.

Temporary exhibitions
The Abbey has various temporary exhibitions throughout the year. There is always something new to see!